李秀珍(Dr. Xiuzhen LI),博士,中山大学“百人计划二期”急需人才引进副教授,硕士生导师,主要从事东亚地区水汽循环和全球变暖背景下极端降水等领域研究,特别是在东亚地区水汽循环的变异特征,ENSO及南亚急流波列对东亚水汽循环调控作用等方向做了大量工作。近5年,在大气科学国内外具有较高影响力的学术期刊上发表10篇SCI论文,其中第一作者9篇,5篇Journal of Climate,2篇Climate Dynamics,1篇Advance Atmospheric Science,2篇Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan。先后主持或参与国家重点研发项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年科学基金项目、深圳配套科学资金项目、香港RGC项目等课题。
地址:? 广州市新港西路135号www.188-sb.com ? ? ? ?邮编:510275
E-mail: lixiuzhen@mail.sysu.edu.cn
2012.10–2012.12?????? 瑞典哥德堡大学地球科学学院,访问博士生
2010.09–2013.08 ? ? ? 香港城市大学能源与环境学院,博士
2008.09–2010.06 ? ? ? 中山大学大气科学系,硕士
2004.09–2008 .06 ? ? ?中山大学大气科学系,学士
2016.09–至今 ? ? ? ? ? ? www.188-sb.com,副教授
2015.09–2016.08 ? ? ? 香港中文大学环境、能源及可持续发展研究所,博士后
2013.09–2014.08 ? ? ? 香港城市大学能源与环境学院,博士后
2010.01–2010.08 ? ? ? 香港城市大学能源与环境学院,研究助理
2016–2021国家重点研发项目:全球变暖背景下热带关键区海气相互作用及其对东亚夏季风气候的影响研究 (参与);
2015–2017国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:我国东南、西南地区水汽收支的比较以及印缅槽的调控作用研究 (主持);
2015–2017国家自然科学基金面上项目:亚太地区水汽收支与两类ENSO循环的相互关系及其年代际变化研究 (参与);
2013–2015香港RGC项目:广东省干旱灾害:时空分布、气候成因及社会响应 (参与);
2013–2015深圳配套科学资金:我国南方持续性干旱年代际变化与水汽输送异常 (参与);
2012–2015国家自然科学基金面上项目:我国南方持续性干旱年代际变化与水汽输送异常 (参与);
香港城市大学 Research Tuition Scholarship (2011/2012, 2012/2013)
香港城市大学 Outstanding Academic Performance Award for Research Degree Students (2011-2012)
Li, X. Z., N. C. Lau and T. C. Lee, 2016: An observational study of the diurnal variation of precipitation over coastal Southeast China and underlying processes–using Hong Kong as a representative site, to be submitted.
Li, X. Z., Y. Q. D. Chen *, and W. Zhou, 2016: Response of winter moisture circulation to the India-Burma Trough and its modulation by the South Asian waveguide. J. Climate, under 2nd round review.
Li, X. Z., W. Zhou*, and Y. Q. D. Chen, 2015: Assessment of regional drought trend and risk over China: A drought climate division perspective. J. Climate, 28, 7025–7037.
Li, X. Z., and W. Zhou*, 2015: Modulation of the interannual variation of the India-Burma Trough on the Winter Moisture Supply over Southwest China. Clim. Dyn., DOI 10.1007/s00382-015-2575-4.
Li, X. Z., W. Zhou*, and Y. Q. D. Chen, 2015: Detecting moisture origin over Southeast China: Seasonal variation and heavy rainfall. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 33, 319–329.
Wang, W. W., W. Zhou, X. Z. Li, X. Wang, and D. X. Wang, 2015: Synoptic-scale characteristics and atmospheric controls of summer heat waves in China. Clim. Dyn., DOI 10.1007/s00382-015-2741-8.
Li, X. Z., W. Zhou*, D. L. Chen, C. Y. Li, and J. Song, 2014: Water vapor transport and moisture budget over eastern China: Remote forcing from the two types of El Ni?o. J. Climate, 23, 8778–8792.
Li, X. Z., W. Zhou*, C. Y. Li, and J. Song, 2013: Comparison of the annual cycles of moisture supply over Southwest and Southeast China. J. Climate, 26, 10139–10158.
Li, X. Z., Z. P. Wen, W. Zhou*, and D. X. Wang, 2012b: Atmospheric water vapor transport associated with two decadal rainfall shifts over East China. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 90, 587–602.
Li, X. Z., and W. Zhou*, 2012a: Quasi-4-yr coupling between El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation and water vapor transport over East Asia-WNP. J. Climate, 25, 5879–5891.
Li, X. Z., Z. P. Wen, and W. Zhou*, 2011: Long-term change in summer water vapor transport over South China in recent decades. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 89A, 271–282.
Li, X. Z., W. Liang, Z. P. Wen*, and R. S. Cai, 2011: Preliminary study on the salinity characteristics of South China Sea and its response to the summer monsoon. J. Trop. Oceanogr., 30, 29–34 (in Chinese).
Li, X. Z., W. Liang, and Z. P. Wen*, 2010: Characteristics of the atmospheric water vapor and its relationship with rainfall in south China in northern autumn, winter and spring. J. Trop. Meteorol., 26, 626–632 (in Chinese).