
刘少锋(Dr. Shaofeng Liu),理学博士、副教授、硕士生导师。?刘少锋



通讯地址:?广州市海珠区新港西路135 www.188-sb.com?(邮编510275)

Email: liushaof5@mail.sysu.edu.cn





















2011-2017 德国科学基金会(DFGTR32项目(参与)

2012-2014 国家自然科学基金青年基金:流量资料同化在区域陆面水文模拟中的应用(主持)

2010-2012 国家863计划:地球系统模式中的高效并行算法研究与并行耦合器研制(参与)



§???Liu, S., Y. Shao, A. Kunoth, and C. Simmer, 2017: Impact of surface-heterogeneity on atmosphere and land surface interactions. Environmental Modelling and Software,?doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.11.006, 88, 35–47.

§? Liu, S., M. Hintz, and X. Li, 2016: Evaluation of Atmosphere-Land Interactions in an LES from the Perspective of Heterogeneity Propagation. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 33(5), 571–578, doi:10.1007/s00376-015-5212-6.

§? Liu, S., Y. Shao, M. Hintz, and S. Lennartz-Sassinek, 2015: Multi-scale decomposition for heterogeneous land-atmosphere systems. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120, 917–930, doi:10.1002/2014JD022258.

§? Hintz, M., S. Lennartz-Sassineck, S. Liu and Y. Shao, 2014: Quantification of?land surface heterogeneity via entropy spectrum. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 8764–8777, doi:10.1002/2014JD021825.

§? Steinke, S., U. L?hnert, S. Crewell, S. Liu, 2013: Water vapor tomography with two microwave radiometers. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2013.2264354, 11(2), 419–423.

§? Liu, S., Y. Shao, 2013: Soil layer configuration requirement for large-eddy atmosphere and land surface coupled modeling. Atmospheric Science Letters, DOI: 10.1002/asl.426, 14, 112–117.

§? Shao, Y., S. Liu, J. Schween, S. Crewell, 2013: Large-Eddy Atmosphere - Land Surface Modeling over Heterogeneous Surfaces: Model Development and Comparison with Measurements. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, DOI: 10.1007/s10546-013-9823-0, 148, 333–356.

§? Liu, S., Y. Shao, C. Yang, Z. Lin, M. Li, 2012: Improved regional hydrologic modelling by assimilation of streamflow data into?a?regional hydrologic model. Environmental Modelling and Software, DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2011.12.005, 31, 141–149.

§? Yang, C., Z. Yu, Z. Hao, Z. Lin, S. Liu, 2009: Evaluation of Hydrological Responses to Land Use Change at Large Scale. In: International conference on environmental science and information application technology, ESIAT 2009, proceedings, 336-339. DOI: 10.1109/ESIAT.2009.195.

§? Liu Shaofeng, Lin Zhaohui, Jiang Xing, and Zeng Ning, 2009: The IAP Coupled Atmosphere-Vegetation Model and Its Numerical Simulation. Climatic and Environmental Research, 14(3), 258–272. (in Chinese)

§? Liu Shaofeng, Chen Hong, and Lin Zhaohui, 2008: Numerical simulation of the impact of sea surface temperature anomalies on the climate anomalies over China in January 2008. Climatic and Environmental Research, 13(4), 500–509. (in Chinese)

§? Yang Chuanguo, Zhongbo Yu, Zhenchun Hao, Zhaohui Lin, Shaofeng Liu, 2009. Evaluation of hydrological responses to land use change at large scale. In: International conference on environmental science and information application technology,?ESIAT 2009 proceedings, 336-339, doi: 10.1109/ESIAT.2009.195.

§? Lin Zhaohui, Liu Huizhi, Xie Zhenghui, Wang Aihui, Liu Shaofeng, 2008: Recent Progress in the Land-Surface and Hydrological Process Studies, Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 32(4), 935–949. (in Chinese)

§? Liu Shaofeng, Lin Zhaohui, 2005Validation of Common Land Model Using Field Experiment Data over Typical Land Cover Types in East Asia. Climatic and Environmental Research, 10(3), 684–699. (in Chinese)